Grades 4-7
Pneumatics and hydraulics is the use of compressed fluids to increase mechanical advantage and make work easier. This lab will introduce your students through hands on activities to the science and technology of pneumatic and hydraulics design and control. Students will model existing systems, experiment with compressed fluids and design their own pneumatic applications.
Students can design their own display board (like sample right) for use in the classroom or a S.T.E.M. fair with the reusable corrugated plastic board that is included.
The Basic Team Pack includes: Corrugated Display Board (sample shown - design your own), [4] Balloon Racer Kits, [4] Balloon Hovercraft Kits, [4] Basic Submarine Design Kits, [3] Dump Truck Kits, [3] Economy Robotic Arm Kits, Syringes, Tubing and instructions.