Teachers can construct this economical version of the Low Voltage House Wiring Trainer from a kit. It requires wire stripping, frame assembly, and circuitry assembly.
Kit includes: precut and drilled plywood (to simulate wall framing) frame), circuit breaker panel box, [2] electrical breakers (15 A), [6] electrical boxes, toggle switch, [2] outlet receptacles, Romex wire (14/2, 50 ft. long), ground wire pipe connector, brass pipe (for ground wire), [2] mini bulbs and sockets (to simulate overhead lighting), propeller (to simulate ceiling fan), wire nuts, multimeter (Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter), student instruction booklet, teacher’s guide, and kit assembly instructions.
PLEASE NOTE: REQUIRES ASSEMBLY BY TEACHER. When assembled, measures 20 x 36 in. The supplied curriculum is geared for general education not vocational study.